Monday, January 22, 2018

Student Feedback Using Voice Comments

Teachers have consistently over the years asked about what tool they can use in Google Docs for voice comments. Many LPS teachers use Screencastify and are happy with it, and others have used Kaizena with some issues. 

Now with Kaizena's latest update this past month within Google Docs Add-on it has streamlined the process of adding voice comments to Google documents. Watch the video by Richard Byrne that he made about how to add voice comments to student Google documents using Kaizena. 

Kaizena is a great way to efficiently deliver voice and text comments to your students about their progress. 

Saturday, January 20, 2018

Malicious Extension Removal

If you have been testing out different chrome extensions on your computer to use with students and noticed issues popping up on your Windows machine. Try removing a few of the latest extensions you loaded and see if this resolves the issue.   

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Quizlet Live

Laura Griffin a World Language teacher at Littleton High School showcased Quizlet Live to visitors from another district observing her classroom, to see how Chromebooks were being used in Littleton. Quizlet Live was a great tool to showcase student collaboration, student movement and a clear content focus. 

How to use Quizlet Live 
Students go to the link below to join the activity

Monday, January 15, 2018

Google Slides - Lock Down Content

Alice Keeler loves to use collaborative Google Slides. She frequently had issues with how to keep students from editing her slides in the template. While you can not restrict editing on Slides like you can on a Google Sheets spreadsheet, there is a trick that will help keep the slide from being edited. 

Check It Out Here

Saturday, January 13, 2018

Voice Typing in Google Docs

Voice Typing Ideas in Google Docs - Help Doc 
Students can use this tool to capture their rough draft / brainstorm of ideas quickly 

Moving students from brainstorming / drafting to editing sooner, so students spend the bulk of their time editing - to improve their writing. 

Assist students who have trouble typing / getting ideas down on paper. 

Assist students with language barriers that are newcomers to the US. 

Foreign Language: Students can use to test their pronunciation. 
- (will Voice Typing recognize their speech?)

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Music Alarm Clock in Chrome

We have gotten lots of great feedback about the Music Alarm Clock using Task Scheduler on your Windows machine from our December Newsletter. 

Kristi Steele from Lenski asked if a similar tool was available for chrome devices. Yup! 

Try Cool Clock Cool Clock allows you to set multiple alarms as well as changing the ring tone or choose music to play instead of an alarm sound.