For the longest time, Google Sites felt like the forgotten app in Google’s productivity suite. In 2016, though, the company announced that it would finally give Google Sites a full overhaul.
Now that the New Google Sites has been around for 2 years the conversation has started about sunsetting the Old Google Sites, which basically means when will Google stop supporting the Old Google Sites. Currently, there is no specific date, but 9-15 months seems a good window to plan for.
So how are we supporting schools, teachers and students to move their Old Google Sites to the New Google Sites?
June 4th - All day workshop to work at your own pace with LPS support staff to help you walk through migrating your Google Site over. This is already available for registration in Performance Matters.
Help Videos/Directions:
One on One Help: Remember that one of our essential roles is to support LPS staff. If you want to do this together, simply email one of us and we can get together and walk you through the process.
First grade teacher Kelly Huber at Franklin worked with Dana a few weeks ago and was done in under 30mins.
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