Monday, May 14, 2018

Field Elementary Makerspace - Year 1

Field Elementary opened it's new Makerspace last August. Kim Bossart, who runs the library at Field Elementary shared her experiences from their successful first year in the "World of Makers"!

Our Maker area is full of recyclable supplies (paper towel rolls, plastic containers, cardboard boxes, really anything that can be re-purposed) as well as craft supplies. We have used the space for entire classes and for small groups. A few examples: 1st grade made rockets after reading "We Are All Wonders", 2nd grade made houses that the wolf could not blow down after reading "The Three Little Pigs", 4th grade made some Colorado Indian creations, 5th made modes of transportation for explorers. 

We received a LPS Foundation Grant for some Bee Bots and Makey Makey's and plan to incorporate their use along with a 3-D printer in the coming year.

We also added a magnetic LEGO Wall and a Visual Thinking Wall

The highlight of our first year was our STEAM DAY that we had last December. Our fifth grade
students were our leaders for the day. They taught 7 simple engineering/mechanical etc... activities to each class level during our specials time. It was a great opportunity for our 5th graders to learn a project and then teach it to the younger students.

One example: Make a boat from a piece of foil, float it, and then see how many pennies it will hold until it sinks. Then they tried to improve their boat, so it could hold more before sinking. (Our 5th graders also learned how hard it is to teach ALL DAY and to keep the attention of our friends that sometimes have trouble staying on task!) 

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