Monday, February 20, 2017

Video Phones

In order to be compliant with the ADA the FCC has given money to various video relay companies to set up video phones for the Deaf consumer, create apps for cell phones, and train interpreters/facilities with call centers. 
The definition of a video phone is as follows:

A video phone is a device that assists Deaf and hard-of-hearing people who use sign language in communicating with others. The phones can be used by Deaf people to communicate with each other over the phone, or with hearing people through a sign language interpreter. The facilities/call centers are a video relay service: A video relay service (VRS), also sometimes known as a video interpreting service (VIS), is a video telecommunication service that allows deaf, hard-of-hearing and speech-impaired (D-HOH-SI) individuals to communicate over video telephones and similar technologies with hearing people in real-time, via a sign language ... 

Here in Colorado, there are 2 primary VRS companies: Sorenson and Purple, others exist in other states. In the pictures TOD (Teacher of the Deaf and hard of hearing) Megan Airington is communicating with a Deaf Student at AHS to an IT agent with Sorenson.

Send questions to Megan Airington

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