District Support
TECH TUESDAY - Monday Models has been moved to Tech Tuesdays. We will be sending an email announcement for this.
GOOGLE CERTIFICATION BOOTCAMP - interested in becoming a Google Certified Educator? Join us for peer mentoring sessions to get ready to take the Google Certification test. These sessions are NOT trainings but a place to collaborate with other LPS teachers that have this goal of Google Certification. Stay tuned for more details on this.
SUPPORT TO GO - don't have time to meet in person? Add us to your Skype or Google Hangouts contacts list and we will connect virtually for some "take out" PD!
Dana’s Skype Name: danalevesque Google Hangout: danalevesque3
Randy’s Skype Name: randy.stall Google Hangout: rstall
PLN ( Personal Learning Network ) - join Twitter and follow the #littletontech hashtag to join our district PLN (Personal Learning Network) to share out your successes, tips, resources, and research. Free PD
PILOT CLASSROOMS - interested in trying out new tools/strategies? We periodically need teachers to help us test in their classroom? Contact us to find out how to get involved.
Building Support
LUNCH & LEARN - have us come out to facilitate a Lunch & Learn session for your staff on a topic of your choice or use a Genius Hour approach. (expert answering individual needs/questions) This can be scheduled regularly (weekly, biweekly, monthly).
PLC Support - schedule us to work with specific PLC teams around PLC focus areas (formative assessment, data collection/organization/interpretation)
inTECHgrated PD WORKSHOPS - schedule us to visit your staff or specific departments to offer PD on a specific area of technology integration.
DESIGN IT YOUR WAY - contact us to consult with you to create an offering that meets your building needs.
Individual / Team Support
ONE-TO-ONE COACHING - an opportunity for you to receive one-on-one, personalized support from us.
GET ME STARTED - for beginners or those struggling with the vast technology
at their disposal. Sit down with us to walk you through the basics of what you need to know to get started.
REFRESHER SESSIONS - there's been a lot to learn over the past couple years.
Have you had some technology training a while ago and need a refresher to use it to its fullest potential. We are more than happy to meet with you to refresh your memory!
ASSESSMENTS / PLC Work - explore how to use the power of technology to meaningfully enhance both formative assessment, summative assessment and data management (sorting and organization)
ASSISTANCE - receive assistance from us to support you with special projects you are working on in your classroom or personally assist you in learning our system supported software/apps to enhance your practice. ( Infinite Campus, Google… )
APPY HOUR - gather a group of teachers to explore online tools/extensions that scaffold learning for teachers and students.
BRAINSTORMING SESSION - time with us to generate innovative ideas for technology integration and enhancing student learning.
CONTENT AREA UPDATE - invite us to your department meeting to discuss specific content tools/practices being used at other buildings in the district.
CO-PLANNING - we can collaboratively plan lessons/units infused with meaningful technology to support student learning.
MODELING - have us visit your classroom to model a specific software or tool of your choice that supports teaching and learning.
PEER COLLABORATION OPPORTUNITIES - interested in collaborating with other teachers in the district? We can assist you in finding the right partner(s).
REFLECTION - time with us to follow up, reflect, and explore next steps.
SHARING SUCCESS - talk with us to either draft a story of success to share from your classroom/building on the IT blog, monthly newsletter, or record a short video celebrating your success to inspire others in the LPS Share Space.
TEACH US - are you doing something innovative in your classroom that you would like to share? We are eager to learn from you! Give us a call.
TEAM TEACHING – have us come out to your classroom to team teach one of your lessons that involves a technology component.
DESIGN IT YOUR WAY - don’t see what you need. Contact us and we will collaborate to create an offering that meets your individual and/or team/department needs.
Modified from RCSD.CA