Monday, October 26, 2015

Innovative Education 2016 ISTE Conference Stipend / Special Project Grants 16-17

Applications Open Oct. 1, 2015

Innovative Education Grants, funded by InnEdCo (formerly TIE Colorado), is pleased to announce that applications are now being accepted for two different grant opportunities for Colorado educators:
1. Need-based stipends to attend the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) Conference, June 26-29, 2016 at the Denver Convention Center - The stipends will provide $500 towards conference registration and other expenses. Please review the ISTE 2016 Program Guide to be sure the conference will meet your needs.
Qualified educators must be certified teachers. Administrators need not apply. Applicants must demonstrate: a focus for their learning that will impact their classroom and/or school, and be willing to share their learning with others in their organization. and complete a follow-up evaluation/survey.  Administrator support is also required. Application deadline is midnight Nov 15. Awards will be announced Feb 1, 2016.
2. 2016-17 Special Project Grants to improve student achievement through the integration of technology into K-12 classrooms, a school, or district - Applicants could include Classroom Teachers, Information Technology, Media, and Library specialists, etc. Teams are encouraged to apply. They could Include other specialty areas, i.e. gifted and talented, STEM, literacy, the arts, etc. Grants will be awarded in the amount of $500 to $5,000. Application deadline is midnight Jan 15. Awards will be announced March 1, 2016.
Visit the Endowment’s web pages for grant specifics and updates:
Applications are accepted online. This is a professional application - high quality content and writing skills are important. Be concise, yet thorough in your responses.
